Day 26 – Just Another Day

Log: Day 26

Well, it’s been a very nice Friday. Good workout this morning at the pool, nice visit with friends in south Denver, stayed under my calorie intake for today. So, what else is new? Hmmm …

My thoughts today are really about my frustrations with being broken AND trying to shed pounds. Yesterday, I felt really good all day. I was pain-free in the pool, left the pool with a nearly normal stride, and walked the grocery story with ease (albeit with cart assistance).

Today … not so pain free in the water, uncomfortable when I walked to the car, and again as I made a quick stop – struggling with my not-quite-working right leg and feeling sad that I’m not better at coping with it. I do not want to be someone who feels sorry for herself when there are many in so much worse circumstance than this. I think of all the physical challenges and pain my Dad lived through, and he seemed to keep a positive attitude, trying to live a full life despite the circumstances. I want to be that person. I do remain hopeful that with each pound that drops away, my body will be happier, in general. That’s how it supposed to work, right?

I was reading People (don’t laugh) – an issue dedicated to weight loss. All of the stories were about people who’d lost well over 100 lbs. Some in the 200+ category. One owed her success to tracking her food on the My Fitness Pal app – I’m doing that – yay!! Another credited eating a calorie-controlled diet – yep, doing that, too – yay!! There were some others … going vegan (nuhuh), and some interesting meal plans (think green shakes), again, not my thing. So, another day down, another day closer to my goal? I hope so!