Day 11 – the Skinny on Eating Lean

My “lean” principles . . .

Strict. Strict. Strict. This is my mantra. If I’m going to lose weight, eating lean matters. My diet plan is filled with lean proteins and fresh foods, using as much unprocessed food as possible. My “lean” principles: lean proteins, no extra carbs, no snacking off the plan, and gallons of water.

One of the challenges in this diet format is finding quality lean products, not just meats, while limiting the use of overly processed foods. It means reading lots of labels! Sodium is also a health concern, so I watch for that on labels as well. I haven’t eliminated sodium, but I watch my intake. As you probably can see from the diet so far, each week the dinners include lean proteins alternating with fish every other day. And the lean meats are chicken, turkey, lean steak, lean pork, and lean ground beef. I appreciate the variety.

The “no extra carbs” rule isn’t as easy. My go-to snacks have never been healthy. When I’m feeling weak, I want a high-fat, high-sodium, crunchy snack (or an oreo). I need my niece’s snacking practices. When she was a little thing, her happiest snack was a half-head of lettuce – people would offer junk food, she’d want lettuce. I’m a happy greens eater; don’t get me wrong. But treasured snacks? They’re not in the vegetable family. I found if I don’t want to bake cookies, Kashi oatmeal cookies are a good alternative. Also, the Kashi Go Lean cereals, in particular the original flavor, are great for breakfast or a snack.

There’s more . . .