Day 71 – A Quick One

It’s been a good day. Nice to be able to say that 🙂

I slept nearly 8 hours with only three times restless and no “awakes.” That’s a record! I didn’t even get up to go to the bathroom (sorry, TMI).

I made some off-the-plan choices today. Not bad choices, but let’s just call them the road less travelled. I really enjoy Kasha cereal, and don’t get it often, so I subbed that in instead of the fruit salad. Lunch was lunch. Subbed in munchies for my snack and then dinner out. Steak, green beans, and a salad. Perfect.

As for steps … not nearly enough. When I don’t go to the pool, I don’t get enough steps in the day. Generally, after I swim I go to Safeway or Walmart. Not to shop … but to walk. I walk really well with a cart and get lots of steps in just wandering the aisles. It can also be entertaining. But I’m not a fan of pacing my house. First, it’s not that big. Although it is a fair number of steps from the door to my bedroom, it’s not much fun, and takes a very long time to get in enough steps.

I talked in a previous blog about walking with intent – every day. But clearly, I have not made the leap. Guess it’s time!