Seriously… can’t believe the last time I posted was November. Now here it is … March. Getting used to the weather here in Arizona is most interesting. We’ve had a longer winter and cooler temps than normal, which is funny to even say. In Colorado, I would have been thinking how warm it was getting in the 60’s. Now? I don’t considering anything below 75 as a warm day.
So, my new challenge is another health one. I’ll limit the details, but it has to do with adult-onset psoriasis. And it’s horrible. This means a whole new slate of doctors… and treatments… and allergies… and failures… and I’m pretty frustrated. Thinking back to when I started this blog, it was really all about losing weight. And I did well at that it for a while… then gained it back. I suppose I am typical of a person prone to obesity, the lose and gain is inevitable. Because of other health considerations, I’m not going to consider injectable weight loss. Or more specifically, my PCP says a hard no for now. I also need to get the psoriasis under control if possible.
I don’t think we’ll consider another summer trip to Colorado this year, although we’d love to do it. That was both absolutely wonderful to see everyone and also really hard on us, physically. It’s a real challenge for me to travel given that I can’t sleep in a bed. As a result, we look for places with recliners, but that’s not always great, either. I would definitely like to escape as I find the heat so oppressive in the summer. Those months were my favorites in the Rockies. But, for now I guess we’ll stay home. We may be able to do some weekend get-aways to someplace closer.
Don’t know why I’m talking about this… it’s only MARCH.