Day 78 – Just Another Day

Yes, it’s just another day in weight-loss world. But, what a day.

The start … or rather, the night before the start. I finally got some sleep last night by, of all things, sleeping on my back. I haven’t slept on anything but my sides for as long as I can remember. Thin, fat, whatever, always a side sleeper. But this terrible new pain in my back (doctor thinks a new disk issue) seems to be soothed by laying on my back. What a relief. I plan to try stacking my pillows a bit for tonight.

So back to the start … a good workout at the pool, good conversation after my swim, and a pleasant drive home. Then a short nap before heading to an appointment – which was supposed to be in downtown Denver but got scheduled at the Golden office. So I had to wait around for an opening (I probably could have actually driven to Golden by then). Good grief.

That accomplished, I came home to work on my blog and take care of some other matters via computer. I cleaned off my portable desk and should have realized I’d built up some static. Those of you who know me well, know that I can turn on and off televisions, open garage doors, and run the stereo by way of static. I picked up my computer and shared a sharp little charge with it. Not thinking much of that, I fired up my computer only to discover that the hard drive would not respond. I had a meltdown, so did my computer, apparently.

Long story a little less long … I went to Digitiqe – a great little sound and tech store (and also apple repair) and I think they’re going to save me. I’ll need a new drive and (fingers crossed) they can access all of the data.

So what in the world does all of this have to do with my diet?!? Well, the obvious, delayed blog from another computer. But actually, it’s also about eating. I made myself completely sick with worry. I didn’t get to eat lunch at lunch because of my appointment debacle, so then late meal and not the right meal. Then feeling awful afterwards, and a skewed dinner to get to the repair store.

Those are the facts, so what about them? Hopefully, the results will be:

  1. I’ll have a repaired computer by Friday or Saturday.
  2. I’ll sleep without pain tonight.
  3. I’ll not worry that I had an off-kilter diet day.
  4. I’ll get back on track tomorrow.