
When I began my blog it was about dieting… Since the late 1990’s, I have struggled with my weight. From a comfortable 125 to an additional 200, my weight has been a source of depression, lowered self-esteem, and constant interruption to my life. My last major weight loss was 80 pounds in preparation for travel to Europe. As with any other diet, it didn’t last. So I committed myself to dieting and blogging. Eight years later… I’m back to an uncomfortable weight (morbidly obese, as my doctor puts it).  I continue to be physically and emotionally overwhelmed by my weight and the limitations of my body due to injury.

In my original “about” section I wrote:

In our society, being overweight is treated like a character flaw. People are unbelievable cruel. I’ve been made fun of in public, had people make snide remarks as though I’m not hearing them, and talked about behind my back by friends (you can always trust that someone will tell you the bad stuff). I’ve had to worry about the seats in every restaurant, theater, and venue I entered. And now, with injury added in, I have to manage pain, as well. Even doctors can be so unkind. The first doctor who treated me after my fall kept “reminding” me that my weight was making things worse … he said it over and over. He wasn’t the first. So now, when I see a new medical person, I remind them that I’m well aware that I’m fat. I don’t wake in the morning surprised by my fat. I live with it every day. And if being mean to me meant I’d lose weight, I’d be really skinny by now. I suggest we deal with who I am, and the problems I present … without  judgmental remarks about my obesity, but treatment due to it.

So now we have made another life hurdle … a move to a whole new part of the country. I’m not sure anyone reads my blog anymore, but it does me good to write. So here I sit…