Out with the old…

Sometimes you really do get what you hope for – the sale of your condo so that you can enjoy your new home! And yes, it happened. Our condo is under contract and, oh, what a relief it is! (Are you singing the Alka-Selzer commercial now?) Although it would have been fabulous to keep both homes, our reality is not that. And now, we don’t have to worry about it. Looks like closing will happen by the end of the month.

So, back to the new place… home and heart. It’s really weird all the emotions you go through later in your life. The decisions, the memories, the future, the plans. Some people move only once or twice in their lives. The average in the US is six moves over a lifetime. I’ve already passed that… some good, some not so much. But truly, this is hopefully the last one until they roll me to assisted living (or a care home). We’re missing some things about our Colorado home… mostly our beautiful view and the vibe of the city, being near family, and maybe some milder temperatures. 🙂 Then I look at the window and the lovely green and peaceful view here, and that feels good, too.

I’ve been putting my bedroom together over the past several days and have walked through lots of memories, happy and sad. Most of you know that I’m a “keeper.” Well, not ME… I mean, I keep stuff… because every time I see them I think happily on how they came into my possession.

My moose is an every day reminder of my Mom… it was actually a gift from my sister to my Mom, and then passed on to me. I used to have an extensive collection of moose. The others have gone on to new homes, but this one will be with me until the end. Then hopefully someone will give it another happy home. And my little plaid scotty makes me think of my Grandma Burns, who loved scotties and helped me make this cute little plaid guy. She also helped me learn quilting, start to play the piano, and believe in being grateful for all the small things.

What’s next you ask? The start of all the “stuff” we’re doing here… begins with delivery of construction materials on Saturday. I’m hoping we can get underway with Carol’s room soon. She deserves some beautiful space, too.

Then it’s on to the pool… and in with the new!

(sorry for the overuse of the ellipsis)