Did I have any idea in 2019 that I’d be sitting in my new home in Arizona just four years later? Not a chance. But here I am! I had planned to blog my way here… the experience of visiting in February to “maybe” look for a property… right through to finding the house that felt right. An exhausting pack and move meant more problems for my broken body and has taken its toll on Carol, too. Despite all that, we are working our way to settling in. My sis says “one box at a time.” We’re living in a sea of them!
Our condo in Denver is on the market, but things are very slow in downtown Denver. We alternate between hopeful and panicked. I guess whatever happens, happens. I am my mother’s daughter in the worry department!
From a mountain of boxes…

To our cases ready and the empty space…

And waiting to flying away …

The journey awaits! I started this blog so many years ago, all focused on weight loss and heading to France. Well, there’s no France in the near future, weight will forever be the stone around my neck, and now add any number of new doctors. Isn’t aging fun? Okay, well, it isn’t.
Not sure anyone will check my blog, anymore, but I’m going to highlight the move, the new home, and as always, my little life thoughts.