I’ve probably used that title before; but it’s now more accurate than ever! Unpacking is truly a daunting and sometimes annoying task. Everything takes longer than we plan. Finding specific items is challenging at best. Truth is, we’re both exhausted… so what brought us here? We love our condo in Denver and the fun adventure of living downtown these past ten years. However… my health and the weather turned our heads in new directions.
Long story long… four years ago, through an accidental complaint to my primary care doctor, I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension. Never even knew this existed, but I’ve learned a lot since then. I’ve probably have had it for years, unaware. I had test after test including a right heart cath (not fun), several echos, cat-scans, imaging, pulmonary tests, and blood tests. There’s way too much to tell here except that I was on high dose diuretics, was over diuresed, had a blood pressure drop that caused a loss of consciousness, fell to the floor and re-injured my back, knee, and ankle. For a while, I wondered if I’d be able to function like a normal person ever again. I can’t put into words the level of pain. I couldn’t get out of a chair or sleep in a bed. I had reaction after reaction to drug therapies, couldn’t take the drug they normally give for this condition, and appreciate my care team for finally figuring it out. Thanks to the physical therapists at PSL, a truly great primary care (Dr. Gehring), and a brilliant cardio-pulmonary physician (Dr. Dalabih), and a best friend who cares for me beyond words … I’m better. Fast forward three years… still on diuretics to control the fluid around the heart. Have added multiple other drugs to deal with conditions that popped up as a result of the diuresis; struggle to walk any distance without excessive pain in my back; sleep in a recliner (I call it my BuhChair); and hope every day that things will be better. These is no realistic surgical option, so it’s pain management going forward. This sounds like I’m whining. Well, okay, I am whining a bit. But it’s hard to sum it all up in a paragraph or two.
Turning to the weather, we’re done with snow and ice and cold! Granted, we’ve exchanged that for a summer inferno. But, as my cousin Sue said, “That’s why we have air-conditioning.” One of my many challenges is figuring out how to balance all of this. Unfortunately, I have a drug side-effect that causes extreme heat and sun sensitivity. You may wonder why we chose this destination given those issues? Well, I can certainly limit the time I’m in heat and sun. Car to building is short. We have an air-controlled garage. I won’t slip and fall on a hot sidewalk. I won’t have to shovel my walks – maybe just blow the fallen petals away. I don’t have to worry about road conditions. And did I mention I need a lower altitude. There are certainly other pleasant, weather moderate locations we could have selected, except that they are mostly at higher elevations or include cold/snow for some part of the year. Yes, we are done with snow.
So… here we are, in sunny Arizona. The days have been beautiful, thus far. We chose a great little home on the golf course. We have a view of the “mountains” to the west. And we’re doing major renovations.
More on that later…