Wow, have I run out of steam!! Our vast expanse of boxes is slowing diminishing, but that’s not as good as it sounds. Once you empty the boxes, you then have to actually make a decision about the location of the contents, the THEN deal with the piles and piles and piles of cardboard. I set goals each day as to what will get accomplish and haven’t managed to meet any of them!
So, the new home… it’s a more traditional place than our very modern condo, but our things are looking
“at home” in this space, too. It is open concept, which we very much like. And we especially appreciate that when you come in the front door you see straight through to the golf course. Kind of a refreshing change from the city view we loved (and miss a little). We have “condo sized” furniture, but still have managed to fill up the place. We have to make a decision about the eat-in kitchen furniture, but otherwise we are good to go.
New problem… bugs! Yes, bugs. Haven’t had to deal with them in ten years. It’s kind of a weird deal, but there are really no bugs in the city. An occasional fly or gnat, but nothing else. However, here in AZ, I’m being eaten alive and I have no clue by what. Note to self: stock up on calamine and benadryl. We’ve been reading up on ways to catch gnats, fruit flies, etc… in hopes of corralling and drowning the little suckers! Cups of water/vinegar/dawn our are new method of attack. Here’s hoping…
And the delays… can’t paint until the boxes are out of the way, can’t put furniture in place until the painting is completed, can’t keep the outdoor furniture on the patio until the pool is completed, can’t move Carol in her room until renovation is done… agh! I have always been someone who has a hard time with general disorganization. Not that I haven’t lived in occasional mess and wondered what I did with my keys (on a regular basis). But I need some sense of order in my world and I need for the place to look like our home. My room is still an unpacking zone, which I don’t like at all. My bedroom needs to be peaceful – hopefully soon!
Next to tackle: visit a myriad of doctors, choose the pool finishes… and, oh yes, unpack more boxes.