We chose this location, on the golf course, because it’s green… and relaxing.. and beautiful… but, of course, there are GOLF BALLS associated with a GOLF COURSE. The disclosure warned us that an occasional golf ball would come our way. And they do! More than occasional, by the way, and one this morning hit the sliding glass door and had me jumping out of my seat. Some level of entertainment comes with watching people searching for their errant shots. We don’t help…

Pool and reno update:
We are on hold as we have to coordinate the removal of the HVAC unit, with the installation of the new plumbing, with the removal of the old pergola, with the start dates of both projects NOT overlapping. Pat has gone to Cody for the summer, so we’re on our own. I sure wish my Dad was still with us. He’d be the perfect foreman for this giant project. Okay, not really giant… but it seems so to us. We just have to trust that the people we have selected are trustworthy and honest.
My sister said not to worry and use the “one box a day” approach. You’ll always do more, but you will feel good that you’ve attained the day’s goal! We are still on the search for any number of things. Some of the labeling was a little weird, so many boxes are a bit like Christmas… lots of unwrapping with surprises at the end. The living area is pretty much done, with the exception of painting the art niches and moving our cd/dvd cabinets to the hall once the reno is complete. Painters are in on the 30th. I am very much looking forward to putting up artwork. We have some really lovely pieces, and it will be fun to decide on their new homes.
Onward we go…