Ah my sad and lonely, abandoned blog …

Looking back, I am a mix of thoughts and feelings. Those would be – in order – optimistic, frustrated, amused, disappointed, elated, worried, relieved, back to frustrated – just pick a blog page, they are all there.  

It certainly served its purpose for a travel blog, and fun to look back through our trip! But, what about the intent of the blog? You remember, that darned weight loss? As in many things, life has come full circle. I intended to lose weight, I lost weight, I traveled, I gained weight … and here I am … back at the beginning. I clearly did not change my habits or I wouldn’t have gained so much back. Right?

It’s interesting how easily I am pushed to guilt over this whole weight thing every time I see a weight-loss ad or a promo for one of those fat people TV shows where everyone does ridiculous exercises and cries a lot. Couple that with my regular meltdowns over my own broken person … and, well … my blog could take any number of directions that would likely include general weeping. But, for now, I’m just going to focus on a “regroup.”

So, I went back to the pool today. Haven’t been there since September. (Yes, I’m hanging my head). And wow, every part of me is hurting … now … not when I was in the pool. That part was quite nice. I decided to forgo the crack-of-dawn approach and went at 9:00 instead. The good part – I could sleep like a normal person and the water is warmer. The bad part – I miss my pool friends and it’s much harder to get a shower stall.

Moving forward? In no particular order of importance: eat sensibly, go to the pool at least four days each week, see a new doctor about what’s happening with my body, recommit to my step goals, continue band exercises, drink water.

And that’s it for today.