The Last Day

So … somehow this one never posted. If anyone is still reading …

Can’t believe we’re headed home tomorrow! Where has 18 days gone?! The Mediterranean was sparkling and beautiful this morning!

Today, we just enjoyed a bit of meandering around Nice. We took an Uber to start at the other end the pedestrian area and then worked our way back.

I just love all the architecture here. I didn’t photograph much. But we had a snack along the way

And took some “remember this” pics

Walked through the shops (yes, we shopped) 😁


And ended at the flower market – totally amazing!

And now it’s time to figure out how to fit everything into an already full suitcase!

Oh BTW … this is a postcard of our hotel. If you look for the tallest palm tree, our room was immediately to the right 😃

I’ll probably post a “we’re home” with some thoughts on our trip.

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