Goodbye Rolf, Hello Buri

We’re changing boats today …

We had a huge delay last night because of a loch that was being repaired and had to be operated manually. The folks who bussed tomParis were waiting for us at Le Pecq and got caught in a rainstorm. But we enjoyed our last dinner with Bernie and Linda, the folks we started the trip with. It was very nice and relaxing … with an over-the-top dessert, as always. Two cream puffs with dark chocolate drizzle and a hazelnut cream topping. Yikes.

We started with our departure from the Viking Rolf,this morning by bus. I tried to get a photo, but couldn’t get it all in … they are called longships, after all. Then on the the TGV (high speed train) averages 130 kph!

Headed south …. in our first class train seats … roomy and comfortable. You don’t realize how fast you’re going until you meet a train coming the other way and they scream past in a blur.

And now here we are in our new digs on the Viking Buri

Our sitting room with a view

Carol and a peak at her bed (the bedroom is hard to photograph because of the little wall and a very small space!)


And the rest of our sitting room.

So, remember how I’m addicted to all thing Tiny House? Well, Carol and I now know we will NEVER live tiny. Why, you ask? I don’t like sleeping on a twin OR waiting my turn for the bathroom OR waiting my turn to pass through the doorways OR jockeying for position to reach my bed. Lots of laughter here. And my least favorite? Pocket doors are not soundproof … our answer to potty privacy is television noise. Are you laughing now? Sheesh. Still, for a cruise, this is pretty swanky!

We are unpacked and enjoying some relaxation until our life jacket practice. Here we go again …