The Day Has Arrived

Well … today is the day. Bags are packed and I’m ready to go …

The final clothing decisions? Too much (of course). Shoes? Well, let’s just say that did not go as hoped. But I still have my velcro, save-the-day, slipper-shoes.  I’ll survive. And my suitcase? Good grief. My scale, which has been faithful every Sunday for 2+ years, did not work last night. Did I have a replacement battery? Of course not. So who knows … my bag is heavy, I know that. Whatever … at this point, I’ll pay the fee! Sheesh.

I’ve checked my documents about a hundred times. Did online check-in with snazzy, new, scan-your-passport app from United. Have our phone plan, have Whatsap, have nerves … oh wait … that’s not part of the list, but I do, just the same. Excited nervous, yes, but also, a little anxious. And eleven hour plain ride will not be easy on my body. I struggled into my compressions sox – thanks everyone who suggested them. ANY help, and I’ll take it!

The next time I blog IT WILL BE FROM FRANCE! (yikes)