Vive Vienne

Our tour of Vienne began with a “little train” (really an open open air trolly) ride to the top of Mont Pipet. Vienne has a rich Roman heritage and it’s reflected everywhere. We recorded a very funny video for you but it’s too long to upload 🙄. At least we had fun recording it (several takes). If you’re on Whatsup, we’ll give it a try there.







The the view from the top is really beautiful. It was a chilly morning and quite breezy. Funny that we were warm in the north and cold heading south. But projections are high 70s and 80s further south we go.







Roman remains are all around, including this castle ruin. The forum below was discovered after a hospital accidentally burned to the ground. In removing debris and planning for the new structure, they found this mostly-intact forum seating.







The Cemetary also has much of the Roman style and although I could only catch a portion, it is quite large. The retaining wall along the Mont Pipet roadway is also an original Roman stone wall. These streets are so tiny and our tram has to turn like a worm.









Carol and I disembarked the trolly to spend a little time absorbing the local color … so we went to a bar … at 10:00 AM.  🤨 We had tea (fooled ya) … but the locals were getting their drink on early! These two older gentlemen came in for their two morning beers and a vodka (straight up) and had many questions for Carol – some of which were unintelligible. Carol smiled and tried to respond, not for lack of French, just no idea the slurred question content – pretty funny!




We returned to the boat via trolly and enjoyed a chocolate making (lava cake) demonstration by the chef. Video (I hope):


With our four fun cruise ladies – Sandy, Marilynn, Joanie, and Kathy, and two new friends from the Bronx, Frank and Joila – we had another great meal, lots of calories, lots of laughter! We feel like family.


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