Ardeche et Tournon

We decided to forgo the Steam Train (single gauge, wood seats, bumpy terrain = unhappy back) into the Doux Valley and just relax today okay, I decided to relax. Carol roamed the small town of Tournon. I read a book and did a little laundry. Yes, Viking will do laundry, but ain’t nobody washin my bainties but me!


This is one of the ruins in Tournon. So much history all around.









The clock tower and a town street.



And a church, with organist. Check this video:


Ooh, I forgot to tell you … our steward made a fun critter to greet us today and some yummy berries for a snack. The staff onboard is incredible. Really hardworking, thorough, and friendly (except for one very grumpy waiter). They get all the rooms cleaned so quickly – it’s impressive. Then night turndown and the Viking Daily for the next day – all during dinner.


Cruising Thursday … we seriously covered water today! So much beautiful scenery, towns, and vineyards! Hills and hills of vineyards.









Check out this house!






And the homes along the shore of the Rhône …


And this great place on the hillside.









We had another wonderful dinner with the cruising four from Michigan and our Bronx friends. It was ‘Taste of Provence’ night – a buffet dinner featuring Provençal Cuisine. Sorry, I forgot about pictures! I sure have enjoyed getting to know these folks. Such nice people, with fun stories, and great humor. They really have made our week.

BTW … I love France.












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