The Very Long First Day

I was prepared to sleep … I was in my comfy little cubby … and over 11+ hours in the air, I slept 20 minutes. 🙄 I did, however, watch three movies, eat two meals, and got caught up with the news. After an easy entry through Charles de Gaulle, we were driven to the boat by a young man whose interest in texting and listening to raunchy rap, was a little disconcerting. I was in the front seat and had to give him the “Mrs. Steele stare.” We did pass through some incredibly beautiful neighborhoods – great architecture and gardens.

And now, here we are, welcomed to our room with champagne …

The weather is fantastic. We’re relaxing before all the fun begins – including the practice emergency drill. Gotta love those life jackets. We had a buffet reception on arrival, and dinner will be at 7:00. We met a delightful older couple – Linda and Bernie – from Wisconsin. This man can tell stories!

We are on the port side of the ship. Boats, barges, and rowers go passing by regularly – and even some swans!

Carol is a hit wherever we’ve been, so far. She chats amiably, and even our new friends are looking to her for guidance. Carol says … Je suis si contente de rentrer en France – de parler cette belle langue, de revoir ce beau pays, et de savourer cette magnifique culture.

More to come …

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