18 Days to Departure

Yes, only 18 days from our flight to France. Is that possible?!



And where have I been for months?  I have no excuses … well, I have many excuses. But somehow I lost my oomph for blogging. Probably in direct relationship to my weight loss failure. And now I just have to look beyond it except to say that I’m really sad that I didn’t get the pounds off. Not for lack of trying. Somehow the combination of broken person, pains I can’t control, and “life-stuff” getting in the way … well, there you have it.

I can’t complain that I did get some pounds off, just not enough. But now I’m in travel preparation mode. Still watching what I’m eating, and staying on the healthy plan, as well as going to the pool and walking … but not weighing.

Packing should be fun, but for me it never is – especially now. I’ve gone down a size and a half. It’s that half that’s the irritant. My clothes are either really baggy or too snug. I suppose I’m going to take a variety of both, but it’s a frustrating. I’ve had some fun picking up a few new things, but seriously struggling with shoes. I have a swelling problem with my right foot, so nothing fits. I have literally gone through 12 pairs of shoes (online) and returned all of them. #13 came today … I haven’t tried them on yet, but here’s hoping.


Rules of the Road (or the boat)

Anyone who travels needs to be flexible about eating. And on a cruise? Food abounds!! There will be no calorie counting from the day we depart, but that doesn’t mean I’m going crazy. I think of it as a low-carb approach with benefits.   It’s really as much about managing blood sugar as it is about staying in fat-burning mode most of the time. And “most of the time” is what matters when you travel. So … I’ll choose from the low-carb options whenever possible. If I eat a higher-carb food, then I’ll follow that with at least three lower-carb means or snacks. Seems reasonable and actually do-able.

And what about alcohol? We are going to wine country, after all. Those of you who know me well know I don’t drink. But that’s more about my face flushing problem than about drinking. I’m pretty sure I’ll indulge a bit on this trip. Diet gurus say one glass a night …. okay.

The biggest challenge will come from the fact that cruises offer food CONSTANTLY. And it’s really GOOD food. SOOO many options. Things you’ve never tried before. And stuff you just like to binge. Really will have to manage this part!!!


Since this is my blog, and who knows if anyone is still reading, but I’m going to change the focus of my blog toward trip plans and preparations. And for those of you with an interest, I’m probably going to blog the trip as well. I may throw a thing or two on Facebook, but I’m planning to journal the trip via my blog. Stay tuned.


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