Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

I’m not … but I AM going to France … in 69 days!!! (sorry for the overuse of ellipses and exclamations)

And where have I been for a month?! Who knows … but here’s the wrap up:

  • got sick
  • got better
  • got sick again
  • got better
  • stayed better
  • celebrated with friends
  • went to Washington DC
  • celebrated 4th of July
  • am on the stymied version of weight loss

So, what’s next? Well, I am simply working on mobility. Gradually increasing steps (haven’t passed 5000 yet), and trying to keep myself in the positive mind set that this trip will be fantastic in whatever way I am able to participate. I’ve lived a life of guilt-driver over-achieving. Is that an illness? Probably not, but it’s very Catholic. But now, I have to start the happy trip planning part.

Okay, I’m not stopping the healthy plan. I diverted the past month, but that’s not stopping. So, it’s back to planned eating, pool 4-5 days a week, exercise bands every day, and walk, walk, walk.

And trip planning? Well, we have our confirmed (business class, woo hoo) air travel confirmed. We’ve booked out additional excursions. I’m going to go clothes shopping in August. And I am ever so eager to make this trip!

More updates to come (that have to do with health and eating, not so much personal narration) 🙂 Just thought I’d get the conversation going, again.