Spring Cleaning -138

I know, you thought I disappeared. And I kind-of did. I apologize. You wouldn’t think it would be so hard to babble about your experiences … except that it is. I suppose if I was having the best success, I’d be shouting it out. But as you all know, that’s not presently the case. And a mere 138 days from travel!!

On the positive side of things … I am back under 300. And that probably seems pathetic, especially to skinny folk, but down is the right direction to be going.

On other topics  … I’m away from the pool until this cough clears up. Ran a bit of a fever on and off yesterday and today, so no public spewing of germs.

I won’t get anywhere near 3500 steps today, but I’ve been doing really well on that end, so upping my goal to 3750.

Also doing well with band exercises, and adding two new ones next week. I was going to do that today, but I’m not up to much of anything.

Pain progress? None. In fact, that new pain I mentioned a few blogs ago … right side back, below the shoulder blade … aghhhhh. Sooo annoying!!

If I stay solidly under 300, I’ll start doing WiiFit again. I love those exercises, I just got too heavy for the board. I know Wii has gone out of fashion for some, but for me both the exercises and the games are a great workout – and they’re fun.

Now about that spring cleaning deal … my newest read “spring clean your health.”

  1. Get fresh air – take walks outside in green spaces, have a picnic in the park, and use sunscreen (yep, that’s what it says).
  2. Get rested – doesn’t every article I read say this? 7-9 hours is you want a healthy mind and body. Here’s there advice: commit to a bedtime every day, turn off electronics, enjoy your nightly routine, and go to bed!
  3. Clean out the medicine cabinet – away with those old meds and expired products. If it smells bad or looks off-color – toss it!
  4. See your doctor – people avoid, even when they feel bad. Don’t put it off, including screening and annual exams. Untreated, things will only get worse.
  5. Refresh your fitness plan – something I’m always trying to do – mixing in new exercises or just changing up the order.

I guess there’s no time like the present to give your health habits a little spring brush up, along with your house. Ah … the house. I’ll think about that next.

This week’s goal? 2 lbs. The month of May goal? 8 lbs  (maybe 10 if I can be REALLY good). There will be a tiny challenge in that I’m traveling to a meeting for four days. But I’ll try to be on my best travel behavior!