This walk is steady but strong. After walking for 3 minutes at an easy pace to warm up, focus on maintaining a steady effort level of a 5–6 intensity until you’ve completed your session for the day (be sure to spend about 3–5 minutes walking at an easy pace to cool down, catch your breath and complete your walk).
Go the distance in less time with this interval walk! After walking for 3 minutes at an easy pace to warm up, begin repeating your HIIT interval sets (spend 3 minutes walking at a brisk pace, at an intensity of about a 5–6, power walk or jog at 1 minute at an intensity of an 8–9) until you’ve completed your session for the day (be sure to spend about 3–5 minutes walking at an easy pace to cool down, catch your breath and complete your walk).
It’s important not to over do it, and this active recovery walk is all about keeping a balance in your fitness routine. Plus, science has shown stress relief is a great way to help reduce belly-fat causing cortisol levels. This walk is all about enjoying the movement (stride at a comfortable 3–4 effort level). Take in your surroundings, focus on feeling good — try to be mindful of your breath and steps along the way.

Your walking time gradually increases each week to build up to the proven, belly busting total of 150-200 minutes of walking per week. I have no clue if I can do this, but it’s worth a try. I’m just thinking I may have to build up a bit slower than they intend.
I have to remember to walk with good posture, keeping abs drawn slightly in (still be able to breathe comfortably), with shoulders back and chest wide. Driving arms back and forth helps to power up the pace.
As always, nutrition matters. I had another low blood sugar episode today, so I’ll have to start checking more frequently and making sure I’m staying balanced through the eating plan. Some researchers suggests adding foods that help with inflammation to the diet also helps in losing deep abdominal fat.