Spring Cleaning -180

I read a really good article today on “rebooting your eating habits.” It’s an interesting take on creating a pantry and kitchen space that is well-stocked, easy to use, and ready to help make your healthy meal plan a reality.

They say that rebooting the pantry to create an inspiring space is surprisingly simple and a bit like reorganizing your desk. Oh, I know, that’s never fun! But other work spaces don’t create delicious, healthy, interesting meals when you’re done cleaning out the clutter, right?

Some tips seem intuitive, but others are great suggestions. We start with the big picture:


Does your kitchen counter act as a catch-all as ours often does? In a condo, we have a minimum amount of counter space. This is a good reminder to just keep things tidied, so you don’t have to worry about it at meal times.


Not to different than cleaning out a closet – you know the rule, if you haven’t worn it in the last year, get rid of it. It’s pretty much the same in kitchen storage on a weekly basis. Mismatched, unused, random, broken, or malfunctioning kitchen stuff? Away they go! One suggestion I found interesting (and I’m guilty) – don’t have decorative kitchen tools or knives. For example, if you have a butcher block of knives, say goodbye to the rest of the drawerful. Or that decorate crock of spoons and tongs that sits on your counter? Use them and get rid of the rest. And finally, don’t keep “spares.” One can opener at a time is plenty. if it breaks, you’ll survive until you get a new one. So, having three is a couple too many?!



Spruce it up. Like any other room in your home, you want your kitchen to be a appealing. This starts by filling it with objects, appliances, and cooking items that are not just useful but also aesthetically pleasing. I like it that they tell you to. “Find ways to make the space feel comfy while you’re in it.” I always like to display a pretty bowl of fruit,  decorative S&P (thanks Karen), and a couple of appliances that match our color scheme. At my insistence, we also keep a lovely vase of flowers on our dining table. They are always a pretty and fragrant addition to the decor.

The next step requires diving into the cabinets, cupboards, and drawers.


Time for me to make a trip to the container store?! This strategy is intended to help you see what you have, and also to keep your pantry clean and easy. When it comes to choosing containers, they recommend glass or some other see-through option that is air-tight. I could get into this, I love containers!



Keep healthy ingredients in plain sight. Have to make a promise not to allow ingredient clutter to stack up. It’s easy to just plop things in the pantry. And we have a tiny one. I put “stacking shelf drawers” in earlier this year, but it’s sometimes hard to see what’s in them.  Have to think on this.

Next, take it to the fridge.

Free your fridge and freezer! I don’t necessarily love this job, sure wish I’d gotten the fridge cleaning gene from my Mom. She would always clean the fridge when she came to visit. In her honor, I will try to keep a clean fridge. The article concentrates on tossing out half-eaten items or condiment jars you haven’t touched in the past week. Checking expiration dates and tossing those items, as well. Then, put remaining ingredients back one by one. Designate spaces types of foods, and leave the most space for fresh vegetables. Label homemade items with item and date (so you know when it’s time to throw them out). Never do this … but, I’m on it!

This is my year to label, label, label! Labels to make reminders about how to use the space, what ingredients we have on hand and how long we’ve had them.

Finally, they tell me to “be happy in your space.” When you’re happy in your space, you’ll make happy food! Truth be told – that just made me chuckle a little.

So how about my diet?!

Things are going well on the food front. I ate “off plan” for our St. Pat’s party. But nothing too excessive. Okay, a little excessive, because I can’t pass up soda bread. But I was back on plan Monday.

In the past four days I’ve walked 4200, 4945, 3200, and am up to 2400 for today, with many steps left to take.

I’ve done band exercises every day. Whew

I’m headed back to the pool on Thursday, which also happens to be an important day in my life 🙂 And I plan to get back on a regular schedule at the pool.