Well, we’re only 187 days away from our travel. I’m only 1/3 of the way to the weight loss I wanted by now. My December-January stagnation definitely did not help. Now I’m in the “get serious” mode.
Seems like if should be pretty cut and dry. Stay on the plan. Loose weight. I’ve already answered the “why do I want to lose weight” question a number of times. And it’s pretty simple – be thinner, feel better, look better, have less pain.
For my upcoming doctor’s appointment, she gave me a checklist (in addition to blood work) and to respond to these questions. It was an interesting thought process.
I’m assuming this is about making sure I’m getting all the macronutrients – carbohydrates, protein and fat – to sustain a reasonable energy level. After my break from the plan, I’ve had a harder time sticking strictly to ALL foods. And by that, I mean that some things seem really unappealing. At the start of this month, I did go through my menus to switch out the “unwanted” items. So I’m going to start marking everything I don’t eat and see if there are patterns.
Well, yes, but that’s not new. Just kidding. Skimping on carbohydrates can be particularly problematic when it comes to keeping your mood stable. Without enough carbs, your blood-sugar levels may dip too low because the body doesn’t have enough sugar, or glucose, to use as fuel. As a Type II Diabetic, I’m conscientious about this. And I’m very aware of how I’m feeling related to my blood sugar. I shared my scary day at the pool when I dropped too low. But In general, I’m good (and sometimes cranky).
With all apologies to my sister for talking poop … it’s my lifelong problem. So addressing it specific to this diet is hard to evaluate. How your gastro-intestinal tract is functioning is pretty important on a major diet effort. On a restricted intake, the digestive tract can slow down. But mine slows down at will. TMI (sorry) Fiber and water … fiber and water … fiber and water. That’s the mantra. Plus a good probiotic.
Well, yes, already covered that. Oh, not with my doctor, though. Everything I’ve read tells me that if you hit a long-term plateau, your body is in self-preservation mode. Most people suggest that you need to change-up one thing in your plan. It can be as small as varying calorie intake by 50 each day, or working out one more day each week. My consistency has been all over the place in this regard, so possible just being on track is the answer. I’m sure my doctor will have some good suggestions.
I want to say, at this point, that I’m really glad to have lost 40 pounds. But it took a year, where I’d hope to have been 80 pounds down at this point. It’s hard to stay on the positive when the remaining pounds loom large in my path. I’m going to hope for at least another 40 before the trip.