Not All Deprivation – 172

Losing weight always seems to be about deprivation and denial … but it doesn’t have to be. It’s relieving to me to focus on the quality and type of food I’m eating, rather than the quantity. Wholesome, nutritious, and mostly satisfying foods – that’s the ticket. So why is it hard? Because dieting IS hard. And I’ve come to realize, more than ever, that it isn’t really about the plan you’re using, or the product, or the packaging … it’s just about a healthy approach of whatever kind, and staying with the things that work for you. It’s about motivation, and commitment, and courage. It takes courage to go after weight loss when you are simply put … fat. And motivation is more than simply wanting to be thinner. Staying motivated is difficult, too. There are all kinds of motivators, and we know I’ve read hundreds of articles on the subject It goes beyond goals, or wishes, or wants. It goes beyond the list of “why’s” or the draw of bad habits.

Funny news … I just wrote and then erased an entire blog. I think I’ll suffice with acknowledging that some days are hard, and some days I’m tired of this, and some days I celebrate every pound that drops away … and that’s just the way it’s going to be.

I had a great workout at the pool today, although a little lonely as my lane partner wasn’t there. I’ve been hit and miss at the pool lately. But I always feel better in the water. As we move into spring, I can be better about pool attendance since I don’t have to worry about roads.

Off to do some steps …