What a Monday – 208

It was a normal Monday morning … I got up at 4:15 … made sure my swim bag was packed, did my usual morning routine … and then I looked outside. Too much weather for me … I went back to bed.

Then, in the view of daylight, I decided to head to the pool at 8:30. There are good and bad things about this. Extra sleep is always a bonus. But the pool culture is always interesting. I’m so used to my morning friends, it’s odd to be a stranger. Plus I arrived after the aerobics class had started. The members are always friendly when I have to cross through to my lane … but not so much the teacher. I really don’t have any option – I can’t get in down the ladder (must use ramp), so it’s really the only path to the one and only lane I can use for my vertical workout. THEN … one of the aerobics people came in my lane. Have no clue why, as there was plenty of room in the open area. But she did here whole class there, so my lane shrank by about 8 feet. Good grief.

I didn’t feel very well getting out of the shower – a little dizzy and off. But I showered and was sitting at my locker, realizing I forgot to pack a bra (ugh) and feeling very weird, light headed, dizzy, seeing spots … and realizing I was having a low blood-sugar episode. I couldn’t stand up. Fortunately there was someone in the locker room so I asked her if she could ask the desk if they had hard candy or juice. She came back with pineapple juice, and my favorite lifeguard came to check on me as well. A while later I finally felt normal enough to drive home (I grabbed protein on the way), but it scared the heck out of me. I’ve not had this happen in a very long time. Guess I have to be more careful when my eating schedule is interrupted.

Came home in more snow – yes, it’s winter in Colorado – so I hunkered down and read a book. When I’m engaged in a good story, I really do forget all about getting up and moving, or planning food. Not a good thing. I’ve also had too many “special” meals this week – you know, the treat days – like pizza. I hang my head.

I’ve realized that I’m an “everything easy” eater. Or maybe I’m just lazier than I used to be. But I do want all preparations to be simple. I suppose that’s why I got into bad eating habits. It’s so important on this diet, to create appealing meals and not stray. The distraction is seeing other things I’d rather be eating – not literally “seeing” but in my mind’s eye knowing they are out there. Like a whole bucket of red vines, or a burger and fries. Ah well … must practice discipline and self-control. I used to have those, right?!


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