Day 263 – Lost in the Shuffle

Wondering if I’d ever return? Or maybe you’ve all just given up on me. Well, I’ve been in a funk. A month of the ‘cold-from-hell’ (still coughing) … preparing for the music conference in Wyoming (still sick) … driving to Evanston for the conference (yes, still sick) … home from Evanston and trying to manage the conference wrap-up.  I’m finally not coughing, or at least it’s sporadic and mostly in the night.  I’m exhausted.

I’ve also been a diet reject. In forgoing the plan while sick, I’ve had a really hard time getting back on track, and gained back 6 pounds. It’s so incredibly irritating that I can easily gain 2 pounds in a week, but taking them off is the opposite. I did walk endlessly while at conference – more than 5000 steps every day, but I haven’t managed to keep that up at home. I have so much paperwork and computer stuff to take care of, I sit. And sit. And sit.

Anyway, somewhere in me is still the girl who wants to get this done, she just had a little set-back. Time to get with it!! I sound like a broken record on re-set, but truly all I can do is try. And keep trying. And believe that I can be better.

Sadly, I’ve also not been to the pool in soooo long. I plan to return tomorrow!