Day 200 – Catching Up

Day 200?!?!

Should there be a celebration? No, probably not.

3-Day Blog Catch-up …

Went to Wyoming. HORRIBLE roads – yes I remember them well.

Great visit with friends. Roads closed out of Laramie.

Great concert of former students (very proud). HORRIBLE motel bed.

Great swim at the Laramie Rec Center pool. Roads closed out of Laramie.

Lunch and visit with a friend and … roads still closed.

2:30PM Finally able to drive home over … yes … more HORRIBLE roads from Laramie to the state line. Too much stress.

Back to the actual blog … I am feeling somewhat narcissistic … it’s all about me. Which, of course, it has to be, since it’s my weight loss thing. But still, weird that I write about myself every day (or nearly every day) 🙂

Anyway, I am 40 lbs down and 94 lbs from the “goal” weight, which is fabulous. But I had a challenging week. Travel really pokes a hole in my efforts. I can’t seem to behave myself. I try, I really do. And I was much better at the start of the journey. I think I will eat intelligently, then I get in the car or into a restaurant, and I misbehave. Not in the extreme. No decadent desserts, or fried food. But too much food. And too many carbs. Carbs just taste good, don’t they?

My only fun positives are seriously baggy clothes. My coat, which used to be snug, is quite loose, as are my sweatshirts, plants, and t-shirts. It feels good every time I get dressed. A friend in Laramie even noticed how big my coat was.

I am happy to report that my steps have been exceptional. Walked over 4000 steps three times last week. Think I can up my goal to 4000. Reminder mantra: walk with intent. Every day.