Day 183 – Another Day on the Road

Well, I was feeling pretty proud of myself for progress … and then I had to drive for five hours. I am a real problem in the car. Went way over my calories yesterday thanks to driving snacks. Healthy snacks just aren’t very appealing when I’m in the car. Bad Sandy.

I had hoped to get a little swim in at the pool, but there was a boatload of kids splashing about. So, in an ardent effort to stay the couch potato in me … I walked the hotel. Met my goal with ease – 3561 steps.

But oh my sleep last night. Not a happy picture:







Who is restless 18 times during the night? This is not a good pattern! Compare with the previous night …







Now it’s on to a day of meetings, with a body that is seriously aching. I should have just gotten up this morning to swim, but I was hoping to get some rest. Silly me. Anyway, I’ll try to manage my foods better this day, and perhaps I can get a swim in some time today!
