Day 187 – Rainy Days and Mondays

… always get me down … (are you singing along?) …

Actually, that’s not true at all – I enjoy rain. Not the torrential kind, but just a nice rain, or even some healthy drizzle. And Mondays … now that I’m retired, I don’t mind them at all! In fact, it’s kind of a fresh start to the week.

Now on to the every present topic … weight. It’s weigh-in Monday, I’m bummed to report that once again I have gained back a pound. It’s that darned travel thing. I have to figure out a way to drive across the countryside and not snack ahoy. Can’t seem to help myself. I feel like I did a pretty good job with meals during the time I was at the Summit, but not so much on travel days or evenings for that matter.

Oh well … back to work we go. Great day today. Ate on the plan without wavering, walked 3140 steps so far, worked out at the pool. Have I mentioned how much I like do a little open swimming (modified breast stroke)? And my lane partner is back, which is the best news. My workout flew by today.