Day 188 – Sharing

I realize that some days my blog is more about my life than my weight loss. And I suppose that’s natural, since it’s all tied in to the same thing …. me.  Perception about one’s self, regardless of size, is very much tied to body image.

I’ve spent such a very long time being embarrassed by my weight, or worried about my weight, or wishing away my weight (and why doesn’t THAT work?!). Now I’m pretty much immersed in it … and is that healthy? Some would say no. In fact, several friends and family have encouraged me to not think about this so much. But the experts say “yes” – If you’re truly committed to serious weight loss it has to be in the forefront of your thoughts, activities, and life-style. And it certainly is mine …

But today? Well (TMI WARNING) I’ve had a difficult day … not feeling so great. I think it was yesterday’s stuffed salmon. No vomit, but you know the other symptom … (I promised my sister, no poop talk). Anyway, it’s midday as I’m writing and I just managed some toast and a glass of water.

I did make it to the pool this morning (despite some yucky weather) and did a full swim. But not without some discomfort. The funny part about this is that I aways think when I can’t eat, “well, good, that’s less calories for today.” Good grief!! Dieting would be much easier if I just didn’t want to eat. 😉 Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want an eating disorder … just wish I had better appetite control.

Soup for dinner …


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