Day 185 – Day of Panic

Stayed at this Hotel because of pool …

Arrive hotel,  pool is closed for maintenance …

Have terrible night’s sleep, check FitBit, will not sync …

Can’t get on my own website to load … (WHAT?%*?&!?)

Have icky hotel breakfast …

Go out to car and 1/4″ of frozen ice on windshield …

Start car, begin scraping …

Notice the windshield looks weird …

Climb back in car to wait for warm-up …

Back out of car and continue scraping …

Into car to warm up …

More scraping …

Back in car, turn on wipers, and what do I see? A CRACK!!!!!


Long meetings all day (good, but LONG).

Nice lunch – make your own tacos …

Still no website (AGH) …

Saw some old friends, parents of students, former students …

Realized I’m getting old …

Back to room for dinner (chicken breast, salad, 1/2 bread roll) …

Spent 90 minutes in live-chat with Bluehost guy …

FINALLY got my website back up!

Having some mixed notes and sorbet snack.

Hmmmm … may be bedtime.



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