Day 207 – Vacay and Thanks Day

Seriously … I haven’t blogged since last week?!? … and I hang my head.

My plan was to just have a “weight neutral” Thanksgiving day. A little vacation from the diet, but no extreme eating … so I had a really nice meal, and then I had seconds, and extra stuffing, and a little more mashed potatoes, and some pumpkin pie …

Then on to Friday and leftovers … and more eating. And pizza and wings (and veggies, hummus, pita chips and brownies) for “watch the Broncos lose” day. Wow, I truly did not manage my plan at all. And I’m owning that. I’m just looking at this as a flash in the past. Yep, it’s four-days of rear-view-mirror attitude. What happens on T-day vacay, stays there. I’m through with the guilt, the terror right before stepping on the scale, the acknowledgment that I was not smart about this … and ready to move on!

The saddest part of this report is that I gained 3 lbs. Yes, 3 lbs in 4 days. Good grief!!

So now it’s back to the plan. THE plan. I had a good, although exhausting, workout at the pool today, but did not get my steps in. Still hoping for 3500 by the end of the day. Tomorrow is another day. More pool and some Walmart walking (because I need to walk AND shop).

I’m not sleeping at all well, so I think an attempt at an earlier bed time is in order. Then I’ll sleep in on Wednesday morning and pool on the Thursday and Friday. Doing band exercises every day and may increase the amount through this week and see how I do. More on that tomorrow.