Day 155 – Guilty Pleasure Kryptonite

That’s what my brother-in-law calls those foods you can’t resist that weaken your resolve … kryptonite! So yesterday, I apparently spent the day on Krypton! Pizza and wings for dinner, Oreos for dessert … and the desire to eat every other thing on the planet! And my guilty pleasure? Frozen Yogurt. At least it’s fat-free. And I shouldn’t even consider something with lactose … but I love it!

So much for yesterday. Today … I started with the pool. Then on to store walking (2100 steps) and home for a late breakfast and a little blogging. I do try to get at least 2000 steps at the store, so I passed that by a bit this time. The good news is that I know I can have a semi-free day (yesterday) and step right back on the road to my goal (today).

Acupuncture this afternoon and then I’m going to try and do a little more with the exercise bands. My pool is closed next week, so I need to start thinking about a plan for getting some kind of additional activity into my day. I’m still struggling with the “new” pain in the middle of my back and along the rib. I don’t want to do anything to aggravate it more until we can figure out the problem and how to treat it. Right now I’m just try to keep the pain at bay.

And that’s it for now …