Day 177 – The Silver Linings

Apparently every three days is the new normal … I have been meaning to blog since Monday!

After all of my whining and moaning and complaining the last two weeks, I got on the scale on Monday to discover I was back to 299. Haven’t a clue how that worked out but I was thrilled. And then today, because I just wanted a little “atta girl,” I climbed back on the scale to see that nasty old 300 again. Good grief! Do I not learn my lesson to only weigh on Mondays?!?

Anyway, some other positives … I walked over 3000 steps both Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday’s boost was because I took Carol’s car keys when I left the unit. Got down to my car and realized I had the wrong ones. Back to the unit. Back to the car … and that was 596 steps! They do add up. And I did “store walling” both days, which is always a good way to get them in. Did I mention in a previous blog that if you keep your hands on a cart while walking the store, FitBit may not recognize that you’re walking? I put it in my pocket just in case!

If I can get over 3000 steps every day this week, then I’m going to up the goal to 3500.

Went to the pool both Monday and Tuesday. It was a bit lonely without my lane mate, but I soldiered on. I’m sure Im repeating myself here, but when Alison is not there, my 90 minute workout seems like three hours! I’m jogging along, glance at the clock 6:39, feel like I’ve gone at least another ten laps, look at the clock, 6:41. Oy! But yesterday was a banner day for reduced pain in the pool, which is a major silver lining!

Back to acupuncture today and Friday. Pool break today, but back on Thursday and Friday. Keep-a-goin’ … that’s the mantra.

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