Sorry (again) for the absence of blogs. Things have just been a bit “off” the past few days. I feel like I’m starting a cold, but it never gets worse than a stuffy nose and scratchy throat. Yet, still, those symptoms are persisting. Coupled with lots and and lots of WMEA work … and a printer that fails or clogs about every 10 pages … while trying to print several hundred pages. Oy. Anyway, the days have cruised by and I’m not getting anywhere.
In addition, I have been a completely BAD dieter. Yes, bad, I have to be honest. I haven’t eaten totally horrible things, and I haven’t gone very far off my calorie count (I keep my log, even when it’s not healthy food). I can’t really pinpoint the problem, other then I just wanted other foods. I think that’s one of the key problems to staying with a regimented and repetitive diet in the long-term. You begin with the happy euphoria of your plan, you see the pounds drop and it all feels great. Then you stumble a bit or fall off the plan, you see the pounds stagnate, and instead of feeling motivated, you just feel bummed and hungry.
My other issue is that some things on my diet are just not appealing to me. Another review of my menus is in order and the alternative foods I can sub in for those I don’t really like or want.
But today I realized that one year from now I’ll be on a river in France, sitting on the balcony, sipping a glass of whine, and feeling fabulous – at least that’s my vision. So … all I can do is start fresh. I am going to take notes on my menus and try to amp up my steps. I have lost 35 lbs, and that’s a real achievement. I’m not giving up. I’m going to head back to acupuncture for a couple more treatments. I’m going to work harder at all aspects of the plan. That’s all I can really do – start each day doing the best I can do.