Day 168 – Mealtime Challenges

The FitBit folks tell me to “take a good long look at my plate before I dig in.” The food I’m eating is totally healthy and  so is the way I prepare it. But there could be another, almost invisible factor causing me to eat more than I  intend So what’s the little mistake that could be getting in the way of my goals?

Here it is: Your portion sizes might be too big, and the way you plate your food could be the reason why.

Haven’t I talked about this before? I diligently follow the menus. Lean protein, veggies, minimal carbs … but I just may be accidentally piling too much of some things and tool little of others. The Wellness Whisk suggests that we are inclined to arrange food by our favorites first, and by the time we get to the veggies, they are assigned the smallest section on the plate. In a well-rounded diet meal, the veggies should be the main focus. Never plop them on the plate like an afterthought.

So, I’m thinking this is as much about changing the way I view my meal as it is the meal itself. Making the vegetables the primary focus, and even facing the plate with vegetables in front of me. I’ve read that this is the best way to plate my meal … it’s called “backwards plating.” Veggies first and the largest portion, then protein (4-6 oz), and then grains in small amounts. It’s a simple solution to the common problem of portion size. Time to weigh and measure!

Interestingly, I have always placed the protein in front of me. But I am also a veggie-lover! My plate is piled high with non-starch veggies and a salad with every meal. However, I do think this is a really good mealtime habit. Healthy Eating magazine says to aim for your portions that are 50 percent non-starchy vegetables, 30 percent lean protein, and 20 percent carbohydrates. To strike the right balance, this sounds like a good visual as a guideline.

I would think this is a good rule of thumb for family events or any buffet-style meals, too, and maybe even choosing from a restaurant menu. It forces you to look at your meal in a different way and maybe become more inclined to spot dishes with larger vegetable portions, minimal carbs, or even refuse the carbs in favor of additional veggies … more on that another day.

Positives for today – 2800 steps and it’s only 5:00. So I should get well over 3000 today, and that’s a good thing

I slept 8 hrs 5 min last night, and that’s a really good thing.

I relaxed and enjoyed an excellent movie (Victoria and Abdul), and that’s a great thing!

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