Day 158 – Holding

Where have the days gone? In my head, I blog every day. I think of things throughout the day that seem meaningful at the time. But apparently I don’t remember to actually get on line and blog something!

I’m watching an ad for a 5-Minute Chef by Red Copper – that’s our pans’ brand (and we love them). When I watch these fun and healthy foods being created on some infomercial, I want one. That must say something about me, I just don’t know what.

Anyway, I haven’t been very well-behaved the last couple of days. Maybe that’s why I didn’t blog – behavior guilt! Anyway, I’ve managed to snack when I shouldn’t, eat too much at meal time, and lost a little forward momentum. I did weigh this morning, because I got nervous about the outcome of my bad behavior. But thankfully, no additional weight gain. No weight loss, either, so this is not a good thing. Staying stationary is definitely NOT the plan!

Ah well … I have been thinking about how I can make the redundancy of a weight-loss diet a little more interesting. I’m sure that has to do with “how” we prepare these very repetitious menus. I went carefully though the suggested recipes that come with the diet. So many of them include cheese, so I have to figure out if it can be made without cheese or with a substitute. Another issue is that many recipes include ingredients I would not normally have on hand. Plus the preparation factor – time consuming and lots of steps. I think I’m going to have to hunt for some better idea.

In the name of healthy and comforting, I’m going to make turkey soup from our left-overs for tonight’s dinner. A salad on the side, and the littlest bit of a piece of bread (because who eats turkey soup without bread?!). I’ll have to by-pass some other calories on behalf of the bread.


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