Day 148 – The Long and Winding Road

That leads … to you door …

I get easily sent offtrack by song lyrics!

  1. the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

    “escape can be a strong motivation for travel”




    motive, motivating force, incentive, stimulus, stimulation, inspiration, inducement, incitement, spur, reason;

    “his motivation was financial”
    • the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
      “keep staff up to date and maintain interest and motivation”


      enthusiasm, drive, ambition, initiative, determination, enterprise;

      “keep up the staff’s motivation”


      Ah yes … motivation and the drip, drip, drip, of the faucet … how to stay motivated without feeling the repetitive nature of being on a diet. That’s my struggle at the moment. I KNOW how important this is. I KNOW the outcome is worth it. And I KNOW staying on the plan will work. But, wow, is it challenging. Really challenging … every day. And I seem to really swing between enthusiasm and despondency – depending on my pain level.

      My situation may be somewhat unlike others, in that I have this tremendous pain issue to deal with while trying to diet and exercise. I also know I’ve repeated that far too many times in this blog. I think I have to get this all into separate places in my head. Box One: pain (and the limitations of movement), and Box Two: diet. I know there are overlaps, but I believe I’m allowing it to overlap too much.

      So, how to move forward? How to stay in the motivation track? How to get these pounds on their way? That’s always the question, isn’t it? As the definition says – the desire or willingness to do something. I will always be an emotional eater. But I don’t have to be an overeater, or an unhealthy eater. That’s where the true motivation lies.

      I had acupuncture yesterday. And more to come this week. So maybe this will help and I’ll have an upturn in comfort, movement, AND attitude. Living life is all about choices …