I’m always looking at lists of the best weight-loss habits and solutions. I think I’ve amassed a list of over 100 ideas and concepts that when applied regularly, increase the likelihood of weight loss success. But it’s also things that we do almost automatically. And there aren’t as many of those as you’d think.
I reviewed the things I’d printed from the net and looked for a few items that appeared on each one – thinking those would be the most important. But the lists are pretty varied – all things I’ve covered, at length, in previous posts. Then today, my Fitnesspal alert was about this topic, exactly – the #1 Diet Habit to Lose Weight Successfully. And I was pretty surprised. So, here it is:
I was expecting, exercise, or portion control, or even calorie counting. But not people. Clearly, I’ve involved all of you in my weight loss journey. And this huge lifestyle change has certainly affected those around me, and most especially my roommate. She has adapted her eating to mine. We’ve changed how we go out, when we eat out, what events we attend, and even our grocery routine. We breakfast and lunch separately, but our dinners are my dinners.
I’m not really sure the intent of the article. It referenced “peers, a coach, family, friends, coworkers, the other anonymous people who joined with you,” suggesting that new habits happen when people get together and help each other. I don’t entirely disagree, but I’m not a “group weight loss” kind of gal either. You’re probably laughing, since I’m sharing all of this with you. But what I mean is the group sessions, and weigh-ins together, talk about it together type of thing, which has never been good for me. I’m easily embarrassed and then I don’t want to go again.
My sister and I are also Fitbit friends. We talk often. But she also lives miles away so the true nature of sharing doesn’t work as well as it would if we were in closer proximity (and I could swim in her pool)! She’s great about monitoring my progress and being supportive.
Maybe the most important part about sharing, is taking a good look at your successes and failures. Seeing the negative triggers. Remembering to praise yourself for doing well. It’s always much easier to praise someone else. But I also know that putting everything down in this blog has truly increased my commitment. I’m thrilled to share my successes with you. Openly admit it and hang my head when I fail. But either way, I’m throwing it out there. And that’s a good thing.
On another topic … I mentioned I’m having a real struggle with pain. My workout at the pool today was very difficult. My mantra is “pain-free at the pool.” The PT says stop working out if it hurts. I would have had to stop at the beginning today. So I soldiered on, and it wasn’t easy. Not sure where this new pain is coming from, but it’s pretty debilitating. I’ve been in such a dilemma about how to proceed. I’m concerned that my new bed (third new mattress) is contributing to the problem. So I’ve decided to see a chiropractor who also does acupuncture. If that doesn’t help, then on to Spine One. OY
Which leads me back to the topic – I also really appreciate my community of friends at the pool. Most especially, my lane partner, but they are all a very supportive bunch. Not everyone knows I’m trying to drop weight, but those who do check in and that’s always appreciated.
Inviting you all into my circle is also sharing the load – learning, planning, reminding, rewarding – while allowing me to express the experience in both throughs and feeling. As the Fitbit folks said, we don’t have to sit around singing Kumbaya, but having support does matter. Thanks to all of you!