Day 152 – I am the New Day

It’s all up to me … right? Indeed.

🙂 So … yesterday I made my 3000 steps, and then some (3952). I had my third acupuncture treatment, and I am seeing results. Although I must admit, the one in my forehead is still a little unsettling. Funny news, that’s the one that helps you relax. I had a good workout at the pool – and was able to do the entire thing, although I’m still experiencing the idiopathic pain across the sciatic band. It’s especially present in the shallow water stretching exercises, but at least all of the pain in that region is much less.

You’ll recall I was anti-anything in alternative medicine world. I often referred to Carol’s medical people as Voodoo doctors. Well … I take it back. And if you are struggling with pain, I highly recommend acupuncture!

🙁 I also ate some extras yesterday – frozen yogurt for my evening snack and extra almonds after dinner. I really am trying to eliminate the “little cheats.” But I did stay under the calorie count, so I have to see that as a positive.

As I said I would … today, I’m spending some time re-evaluating my menus. I’m also going back through the “healthy recipes” to see what I’ve forgotten! We have company coming today, which will include dinner out. I have been able to do a pretty good job of taking care when eating out, so I’m not terribly worried about this. But still must remind myself to be conscientious.

Because there’s no time like the present … I’m going to go back to my “one-day-at-a-time” approach. Get through one day doing everything right! Then maybe the next … and the next … I’m in charge of each new day!



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