Day 147 – A Pin Prick in Time

Bad news first … NO weight loss this week. What?!?!?!  It’s true. But I’m just putting it down to a crappy week, in general. No worries, I’ll soldier on …

Good news, or maybe just interesting news … I had acupuncture today, for the first time, ever. It was surprisingly easy, and abated some pain. I’m going back!

Now about the diet … just because my weight loss stalled this week is no reason to revert to bad eating habits. Part of this plateau is directly related to a lack of movement and exercise last week. Just couldn’t do anything because of my pain level. But I’m not going to get discouraged. It’s normal to have stalls during a diet, despite healthy diet and regular exercise … and I’ve had trouble with both of those things this week. So, even more reasons to  hit a weight-loss plateau.

I’ve read that a weight-loss plateau can last for days or even weeks, and it eventually happens to everyone who tries to lose weight. Even so, most people are surprised when it happens to them because they’re still eating carefully and exercising regularly. The frustrating reality is that even well-planned weight-loss efforts can stall. The annoying and somewhat good news is that it’s totally normal. So what to do?

I was just reading about the “fridge staples” you should have on hand if you’re trying to push through a diet plateau. I’m having a bit of deja vu … so maybe I already wrote about this?! I spend too much time on the internet. Oh well …

Here are the top five …

Dates and Cherries – a healthy replacement to the desire for a cookie! One cup is a low calorie treat. That’s easy, and sounds good.

Eggs, Almonds, Chicken, and Yogurt – Not at the same time!  They say if you’re sweets need is too high, you just might need a protein boost to spark more fat loss. This nutrition expert suggested adding a hard-boiled egg to the side of your cup of oatmeal in the morning, 15 almonds as your morning snack, or some cubed chicken to your salad at lunch. And a good dessert option? Try protein-filled Greek yogurt as a post-dinner treat. 

Raspberries, Apples, Broccoli, Artichokes –  the recommendation here is to add fiber-rich fruits like raspberries, apples, or pears to breakfast. Veggies like artichokes and broccoli, which pack a ton of the nutrient, are perfect for dinner. 

The next one on their list is Grapefruit … but my diet says NO GRAPEFRUIT. Although one study showed that eating grapefruit before dinner encouraged 7% greater weight loss in the participants who used it daily. Hmmm.

Chili Powder – Capsaicin, the component in chili peppers that gives them their heat, has been shown to turn unhealthy white fat into brown adipose tissue. The suggestion? Sprinkle a little chili powder on your eggs in the morning, top off a deviled egg with a dash of it,  add it to a stir fry, or mix a little in some lemon water for a spicy kick.
There you go …

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