Day 140 – Lapses and other stuff

How did so many days go by? Admittedly, I’ve been really busy and feeling pretty crappy, too. But that’s no excuse. One of my cousins texted me – a very funny meme about my responsibility to my followers – daily blogs! All I can tell you is … unhappy gut, painful sleep, lunch out, fun musical (with granddaughter), unhappy gut, painful sleep, second fun musical (watching grandson), more unhappy gut, more painful sleep … well, you get it. Don’t know why I’m saying “painful sleep” –  the fact is I’m in pain and I’m NOT sleeping. Must address this issue!

So on to my thoughts for today (I do have some!).

I notice when I’m not feeling very well, or my pain level is high, that I don’t really drink very much water. This is unusual for me, I’m generally a water hog. How much water do you drink every day? I think most people will respond that they don’t drink enough. The average estimate for adults is four cups per day. Active adults apparently drink more, but are still drinking far under that recommended 64 ounces per day. I generally get at least 48, but more often closer to the 64 – just not the past few days

Why do I care? Health of course. Dehydration can impact so many aspects of my health, including the number on the scale. Which, by the way, is another 1.8 lbs down today (talk about burying the lead!!!) – yes …

Total pounds lost = 35.8

Pounds to go = 96.2

Back to the water topic …

I read that people who drink the least water have the highest body mass index. This isn’t good news for any fat person. And generally I am a happy consumer of water. It’s a healthy habit, and if you have a good filtration system, it’s also easy and inexpensive.

I mention filtration because tap water is not my friend. Those of you who know me well, also know that if there’s some stupid reaction to have from ANYthing … I’ll have it, including the fine print! I have problems with tap water … so I filter!

So here’s what the experts say about the reasons to drink more water:

DRINKING WATER CUTS CALORIES   Enough said. Who doesn’t want to cut calories when you’re counting calories? Many dieters do this in very unhealthy ways. Not so with water – no added calories like those in soft drinks, iced coffees, sports drinks, and the like.

And the other good news is the more water you drink, the fewer calories you consume! Studies show that under normal dieting conditions (calorie control and exercise), a person can lose an additional 1/2 pound per week by drinking 64 ounces of water per day!

A funny side note – my doctor said that many times people think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty. Rule for today – drink – water, that is.

Other positives about water? Chugging a glass of water can help you go from the couch to the treadmill. Dehydration makes you feel sluggish, so water reduces fatigue, helps with headaches, and even improves your mood. Sounds good to me.

I don’t do a serious workout that causes heavy sweating (only because I can’t do that kind of work out) but I’m aware that hydration is so important because losing only water weight can be hard on the body. I still hydrate in the morning before the pool and after my store-walking. Better to be safe. TMI WARNING … according to my doctor, the color of your urine is a key indicator of hydration. If you’re well-hydrated, your urine is very light colored. 

Wow … I think I’ve broken all of the “Karen” rules … yes, I’ve publicly posted my weight, discussed poop, and now talked about urine. All I have left to do is start talking about how often and how much … and I’ll have completed the tri-fecta of banned subjects!

(Karen: I promise I will never make you check or confirm)

For those of you who struggle to drink enough water – try no-calorie flavored waters. I don’t like them because I like plain, unadulterated water. But it’s more important to get the water in, so there are options! I also try to include fruits and vegetables that have high water content. Every little bit makes a difference!

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