Day 134 – Under the Weather

What to do when you aren’t feeling well …

It’s been a rough day for me, not feeling very well, trying to get work done, alternating with naps and trying to figure out what to eat. I say that because, my stomach has not been my friend the entire day. This also means I didn’t feel so great at the pool, and my healthy diet took a bit of a break. My appetite was weird and some foods just sounded awful.

What does this mean for my weight loss and fitness plan? Well, it kind of took a back seat. And taking a break is just going to have to be okay. Not that I diverted entirely, and I did go to the pool – but after the deep water exercises, I couldn’t really do much of the shallow end work-out. I didn’t spend the day in bed either, but I sure could have! I’m hoping it’s just something passing and I’ll be back to normal tomorrow.

On my new pool schedule, Wednesday is my day off. Sleeping in may be just what I need, as long as I can actually sleep, and my body pain doesn’t interfere. I didn’t have much appetite today, so eating bad things didn’t enter into the day either. Being sick certainly isn’t an excuse to eat unhealthy foods, it’s a time to eat healthy gentle-on-the-system foods.  Just some broth with chicken and toast was my go-to meal today.

I suppose staying on track when you don’t feel well, is still about making efforts to make healthy food choices. And, of course, eating something even when you don’t feel like it. The other challenge is staying hydrated. I just don’t feel much like drinking any water. But I know it’s important, so …

In the end, feeling a little under the weather may allow me to bend the rules a little. I’m hoping tomorrow I’ll feel more normal and back on track.

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