Day 134 – On the Road Again

I received a text from a blog-friend yesterday, asking where I had disappeared to. Sorry!

I’m actually in my hometown, cheering my brother’s induction into the RSHS Hall of Fame, and also celebrating my uncle’s 90th birthday. Very nice, on both accounts. And always great to see extended family. Also had to squeeze in several hours of computer work while in my hotel room. Today, we’re making a visit to our childhood home and then on to Cody.

So, what does that mean for the diet?! Well, first lets celebrate …

I weighed on Friday morning before we left … AND … woot woot … I weighed 299. If you’ve read the last few blogs, that gives you an exact picture of where I started – 332. Yes, I’m ready to put that out there. But, whole moly, I haven’t seen two hundred and anything in a very long time. Eight years ago I got down to 284. As you know, my target is significantly lower. Anyway … go me (at least for today)!

Now for reality. Travel and diets are not really good friends. Although I AM trying! The calling of snacks is the hardest part … and special treats … and eating out … and , well … you know. I really have made every effort to make good choices, but MyFitnessPal makes it very clear that too many calories are going in. I feel chastised when the number of calories turns RED as I enter my food. The good news is that I walked well over 3000 steps yesterday. That’s something, right? You bet.

My plan, as I finish out this min-vacation, is to be as good as possible. Select appropriate foods when eating out, not over-eat, not over-snack, and be realistic that travel and dieting are a significant challenge. It would be easy to just roll-over and fall off the plan, but I’m definitely not going to do that!

And now … we’re on the road again …

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