Day 97 – Marching On

The days truly are marching along. I had a good work-out at the pool today, at my normal time (crack of dawn). And fortunately the kid lessons have ended for the summer. I know they deserve to have lessons … just in some other pool. I’m kidding. But it does get pretty busy.

I can’t even remember now, if my weekend blogs included pathetic whining. I had the worst pain experience on Saturday. Stood up from my chair and I literally couldn’t stand up straight. The pain was ridiculous and I didn’t know how to fix it. I’m very, very tired of pain. For sure I have to get a chair I can sit in comfortably. Our new furniture is lovely, but not for my stupid body. We plan to go chair shopping this week.

In the mean-time, I truly have been a bit pathetic and frustrated and disappointed … I struggle with how to manage the pain against exercise. I definitely did not get enough steps in today. Didn’t feel very well AND hurting. Good grief.

Tomorrow is another day … and I can do better. Or so I hope. I may have to exchange my new bed, as well (hence the frustration part). I know I can’t keep going at this pain level. Lots of people make great suggestions about what to do. I just need to get my act together and go see someone … chiropractor, acupuncturist, dry needling, pain management specialist … someone.

Oh, and the diet? Still working …