Day 128 – Just Another Manic Monday

Up two, down two. Back to the beginning …

and here’s the update

Pounds to go before I rest: 101

Pounds I’ve lost since I started blogging: 16

(that could really be eighteen, since I gained two and then lost them again)

Pounds I’ve lost since January: 31

Steps today: 2809 (and a few more before bed time)

Calories today: right on track

Favorite meal: Dinner – really great salmon

Favorite snack: fat-free frozen yogurt (I sub it in in the evening)

How am I doing? Good, despite a completely irritating uptick in pain today. Still, did my whole pool workout though,  and puttered around the house the rest of the day. Had to get my bed taken apart and my room ready for the new bed.

The positives? Well, of course another pound down, that’s a happy day. It sounds kind of silly, but I feel like I’m moving better, in general – I don’t need my cane nearly as much. I walk up and down the stairs at the swim center like a normal person. Okay, mostly normal, just a little stilted. I can take a little  longer “store walk” each day. Clothes are getting looser.

And my worries? Not being able to get this done. I sometimes wallow in a bit of self-pity about being fat … wishing it weren’t so … wondering how I got here … feeling pretty dejected. It’s hard not to.  I think if I didn’t have the health issues on top of the weight, it might be easier. But that’s not my life.  I guess I just want to get enough pounds off that I “look” thinner. Anyway, I have to just keep plodding along and hoping for a good outcome, right?



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