Day 117 – The Healthy Food List

What are they, those healthy foods that can be relied upon to help my body and not pile on the pounds? Well, my plan is pretty specific about the foods, but I discovered that most doctor-backed diets have the same lists. And the foods on them are nearly all the same. I’m breaking them into categories.

Whole grains – bread, pasta, pockets, wraps, and oatmeal. This is a really good category in my world. Since I miss puffy white bread, spaghetti, and potatoes, the whole grain versions of those allowed foods, are really pretty tasty. I like the extra “stuff” in whole grains. I like the flavor. Plus I do get the variety of types of grains. (I still miss Wonder Bread)

Protein – skinless chicken and turkey, fish, lean beef, shrimp, seafood, and eggs. Those are all pretty easy. I’m a meat-eater, so no complaints from me. The challenge is having fish every other day. Salmon and white fish are my staples, but I’m going to branch out and try some other types of fish. I haven’t included much shrimp, but I may add that in, too. Since I eat all my dinners with another person who can’t tolerate fish very well, I’m going to try and prepare fish just for me on some of those days.

Vegetables – spinach, lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, cucumber, squash, celery, carrots, and sweet potatoes. I have some favorites among the vegetables. Who doesn’t? But really, I can eat any and all. Okay, no kale. No eggplant. No okra. But otherwise, I’m good to go on vegetables … bring ‘em on!

Fruits – bananas, apples, strawberries, tomatoes, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, oranges, and peaches. Yum, that’s all.

Dairy – ah that darned dairy. Everyone wants you to have some. I do take supplements to balance this out, and almond milk does just fine as a substitute. I do also have lactose free yogurt and cheese, as well. Otherwise, daily and my gut are not friends.

Fat – Nuts, tuna, and avocado. Nuts must be in moderation because they’re high in calories despite their nutritional benefits.  I’m pretty sure I do eat too many almonds. I do find tuna in this category to be sort of funny. It’s one of my snacks, and I always enjoy it. I never thought of it as a “fat” food. In other diets, all of the “allowed” fats lists are always short. Some diets include small amounts of oil, or low-fat butter, and some other fats I don’t eat

So what does all this mean to me? It’s just a reminder about what I’m doing, how the foods I choose matter. I’m going to re-evaluate my menus over the weekend, and perhaps add some of the approved substitutions. Anything to make staying on track with the plan as easy as possible … follow the yellow brick road!

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