Did you think I’d disappeared? Somehow amidst my travel to Wyoming, endless driving, meetings, more driving, motels, crappy beds … I just didn’t have any blogging oomph.
But I’m back.
I must begin by acknowledging that I quite honestly did not follow my plan the past five days. Now don’t get me wrong, I didn’t eat willy-nilly. I did some “bad” snacking in the car. Eight hours is just a long time to avoid snacks or fast-food. Anyway, I’m not going to weigh for a few days. But what I am going to do is start back in with all the commitment I had on Day 1.
Don’t give up if you screw up: you will regret it.
I don’t really consider this a slip-up, just a little hiatus from the plan. It’s really pretty minor in the whole picture of things. I know there will be these times, I just have to get back at it. It’s hard, but in the end the effort will be worth it. Years from now, when I’m healthier and slimmer, I’ll look back at this time … or maybe I won’t look back at all! Maybe I’ll just be happy to be a thinner, less pained, me!
Fun fact: weight can fluctuate up to 5 lbs throughout the day.
Studies have shown that people who lose weight with others are more successful than people who don’t. That’s great news, but I’m not a group weight loss kind of gal. I never enjoyed big aerobics classes or weight loss support groups. It’s probably about my being self-conscious. But I think the support part of this journey is where you all come in … family and friends believing I can do this!