Day 61 – Is that Right?

Long days of meetings, and here’s the truth … yesterday was a very bad food day. I just have to own it. Every time you turn around at this assembly, they are offering food. Buffet meals, break time snacks … and I made bad choices. I started the day with a bang, having only one protein and some fruit. I succumbed to the draw of the cookie in the morning. Then we had a midday break for lunch. I went back to my room for a while, not realizing that lunch was only served until 2:00. I realized that at 2:05. So … I went back to the meeting at three – hungry. The afternoon snack meant more sugary treats and some fruit and nuts. This is not a good thing. Dinner was chicken tortilla soup and a Caesar salad. I went WAYYYYY over my calories yesterday. I was not a happy camper. On a slight positive, I did go walk the conference center until I passed 3000 steps.

Now about today. Another long day of meetings. And what is my problem about the cookies?! Seriously, I can ignore them completely one day and addicted the next. It’s because they’re sitting out. Shame on them. Anyway, same great start to the day – eggs and fruit. Nice lunch – salad, cold cuts, a pickle, and (I’m sorry) a cookie. I’m already at 1500 steps and it’s only 1:30. More later …